IT Staffing

Nixon Data IT Staffing

We provide exceptional service for hiring low-cost technical Junior Developers who will be trained in the technology required and deployed.

This includes employee life cycle management, employee Salary, HR facility to the employee, Training, Payroll management, Internet expenses, Office rent, maintenance, and other facilities, and Insurance.

The time for deployment is 40 Days, this includes 30 Days of Training + Mentorship by ex-employees from Amazon and Oracle.

Termination notice is 1 month

Part-Time Senior Developer and Analyst

Experience – 5+ Years

Work Days per week – 5

Daily Hours – 2-3 Hours

Time to Deployment 5 Days

Termination Notice – 0 Days


Senior Developers

Under this service, we provide developers with an experience of more than 5+ Years.

This includes Front end, Backend, Full Stack Engineers, and Data Engineers.

5 Days Work Week

Termination Notice is 1 month

Recruitment Fess $0

This includes employee life cycle management, employee Salary, HR facility to the employee, Training, Payroll management, Internet expenses, Office rent, maintenance, and other facilities, and Insurance.

Assured Quality

The time to Join is 30 Days.


Senior Data Analyst

Under this category, we provide senior data analysts with experience of 5+ years

5 Days work week

Termination Notice is 1 Month

This includes employee life cycle management, employee Salary, HR facility to the employee, Training, Payroll management, Internet expenses, Office rent, maintenance, and other facilities, and Insurance.

Assured Quality

The time to deploy is 30 Days.

Technical Support Staff (USA Time Zone)

Experience – 0 to 1 || Deployment time 15 Days

Experience – 1 to 3 || Deployment Time 30 Days

Termination Notice 1 Month