Comparing ECS and EKS: A Detailed Look at the Key Differences between Amazon’s Container Services

Nixon Data Comparing ECS and EKS: A Detailed Look at the Key Differences between Amazon’s Container Services

Comparing ECS and EKS: A Detailed Look at the Key Differences between Amazon’s Container Services


ECS and EKS are two of the most widely used cloud computing services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Kubernetes, respectively. Both are designed to help organizations manage and run their applications at scale, but they differ in several key ways.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between ECS and EKS based on several key features:

Container ManagementFocuses solely on Docker containersFull support for Kubernetes clusters
Deployment ModelUses task definitionsUses manifests
ScalabilityUses EC2 Auto ScalingUses Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaling
NetworkingProvides its own networking solutionUses native Kubernetes networking model
CostPer-hour usage of EC2 instancesPer-hour usage of managed Kubernetes control plane nodes and worker nodes

As you can see from the table, both ECS and EKS have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Whether you are looking for a simple and straightforward way to manage Docker containers or need more advanced features like Kubernetes network policies and service meshes, either ECS or EKS can be a good fit for your organization.

ECS, short for Amazon Elastic Container Service, is a fully managed container management service provided by AWS. It allows organizations to run, manage, and scale Docker containers on a cluster of EC2 instances. With ECS, you can easily launch, stop, and manage Docker containers, and scale your applications up or down as needed. ECS also provides a simple and straightforward way to deploy, run, and manage microservices applications.

On the other hand, EKS, short for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, is a managed Kubernetes service that provides a highly available and secure way to run and manage Kubernetes clusters. With EKS, you can easily deploy, run, and manage containerized applications using Kubernetes. EKS automates much of the management and deployment of the Kubernetes control plane, making it easier for organizations to adopt and use Kubernetes.


Here are some of the key differences between ECS and EKS:

  1. Container Management: ECS focuses solely on the management of Docker containers, while EKS offers full support for Kubernetes clusters. This means that with EKS, you have more options for running and managing your containerized applications, including deploying and scaling them.
  2. Deployment Model: ECS uses a task definition to define and run containers, while EKS uses manifests to define and deploy containers. The task definition in ECS is a simple JSON file that defines the containers that make up a task, while manifests in EKS are YAML files that define the resources required to run a Kubernetes application.
  3. Scalability: ECS provides automatic scaling through the use of EC2 Auto Scaling, while EKS provides automatic scaling through the use of Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaling. This means that EKS has more options for scaling your applications, including scaling based on custom metrics.
  4. Networking: ECS provides its own networking solution, while EKS uses the native Kubernetes networking model. This means that EKS has more options for networking and connecting your applications, including using Kubernetes network policies and service meshes.
  5. Cost: ECS and EKS have different pricing models. ECS charges per-hour usage of EC2 instances, while EKS charges per-hour usage of managed Kubernetes control plane nodes. In addition, EKS also charges for the use of worker nodes.

Both ECS and EKS are powerful cloud computing services that can help organizations manage and run their applications at scale. The choice between ECS and EKS will depend on the specific needs and requirements of your organization, including the type of applications you are running, your preferred deployment model, and the level of control you require over your infrastructure.