What is the difference between AWS SNS, SQS, Kinesis, MKS

Nixon Data What is the difference between AWS SNS, SQS, Kinesis, MKS

What is the difference between AWS SNS, SQS, Kinesis, MKS


AWS, also known as Amazon Web Services, is a collection of remote computing services that make up a cloud computing platform. These services operate from 12 geographical regions across the world. Among these services, Simple Notification Service (SNS), Simple Queue Service (SQS), Kinesis, and MSK (Managed Streaming for Kafka) are some of the most popular and widely used services.

AWS SNS, SQS, Kinesis, and MSK all have their own unique set of features and capabilities, and each service is designed to meet specific use cases. In this article, we will take a closer look at the differences between these services and explore their use cases, advantages, and disadvantages.


ServiceFeaturesCapabilitiesLimitationsAdvantagesDisadvantagesUse CaseExampleCosting
AWS SNSPub/sub messaging model, multiple protocol support, fan-out delivery to multiple subscribers, message filteringSending messages to a large number of recipients, message fan-out delivery, message filtering, high availability and scalabilityLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteedFully managed service, easy to use, cost-effectiveLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteedSending notifications, SMS, and emailSending notifications to a mobile app, sending SMS to confirm a purchasePay-per-use, with free tier available
AWS SQSMessage queuing model, FIFO and standard queues, message visibility timeout, long polling and short polling, dead-letter queuesProcessing messages asynchronously in a distributed environment, message queuing, reliable and scalable message storageLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteedFully managed service, easy to use, cost-effectiveLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteedAsynchronous message processing, background job processingProcessing image uploads, processing email sending in backgroundPay-per-use, with free tier available
AWS KinesisReal-time streaming data, data can be collected and analyzed in real-time, support for multiple data producers and consumers, built-in data integration with other AWS servicesProcessing streaming data in real-time, real-time data analysis, data integration with other AWS servicesLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteed, complex setup and managementFully managed service, easy to use, cost-effectiveLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteed, complex setup and managementProcessing streaming data in real-time, such as log data, social media feeds, and IoT sensor dataProcessing streaming log data, analyzing social media data in real-timePay-per-use, with free tier available
AWS MSKFully managed service for Apache Kafka, automatic scaling and updates, built-in security and monitoring, integration with other AWS servicesProcessing streaming data using Apache Kafka, automatic scaling and updates, built-in security and monitoring, integration with other AWS servicesLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteed, complex setup and managementFully managed service, easy to use, cost-effectiveLimited message filtering options, message delivery order not guaranteed, complex setup and managementProcessing streaming data using Apache KafkaProcessing streaming data for a real-time analytics platformPay-per-use, with free tier available

What is AWS SNS?

AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed pub/sub messaging service that enables you to send messages to multiple subscribers. It is designed to make it easy to send messages to a large number of recipients, such as sending notifications, SMS, and email.

SNS supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, email, and SMS, which makes it a versatile service for sending messages. Additionally, SNS supports fan-out delivery, which means that it can deliver messages to multiple subscribers at once.

What is AWS SQS?

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queue service that enables you to store and retrieve messages in a reliable and scalable manner. It is designed for processing messages asynchronously in a distributed environment, such as background job processing and image uploads.

SQS supports two types of queues, FIFO and standard queues, and allows you to set a message visibility timeout, which determines how long a message will be hidden from other consumers before it becomes visible again. SQS also supports long polling and short polling, which allows you to retrieve messages as soon as they become available.

What is AWS Kinesis?

AWS Kinesis is a fully managed service for real-time streaming data. It allows you to collect, process, and analyze streaming data in real-time, such as log data, social media feeds, and IoT sensor data. Kinesis is designed for processing streaming data in real-time, and it supports multiple data producers and consumers.

Kinesis also offers built-in data integration with other AWS services, such as Amazon Redshift, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, and Amazon S3, which makes it easy to analyze and store streaming data.

What is AWS MSK?

AWS MSK, also known as Managed Streaming for Kafka, is a fully managed service for Apache Kafka. It allows you to process streaming data using Apache Kafka, and it includes automatic scaling and updates, built-in security and monitoring, and integration with other AWS services.

MSK is designed for processing streaming data using Apache Kafka, and it is a great option for real-time analytics platforms and other streaming data use cases.

Differences between AWS SNS, SQS, Kinesis, and MSK

  • SNS vs SQS: SNS and SQS are both messaging services, but they have different use cases. SNS is designed for sending messages to a large number of recipients, whereas SQS is designed for processing messages asynchronously in a distributed environment.
  • SNS vs Kinesis: SNS and Kinesis are both messaging services, but they have different use cases. SNS is designed for sending messages to a large number of recipients, whereas Kinesis is designed for processing streaming data in real-time
  • SNS vs MSK: SNS and MSK are both messaging services, but they have different use cases. SNS is designed for sending messages to a large number of recipients, whereas MSK is designed for processing streaming data using Apache Kafka.
  • SQS vs Kinesis: SQS and Kinesis are both messaging services, but they have different use cases. SQS is designed for processing messages asynchronously in a distributed environment, whereas Kinesis is designed for processing streaming data in real-time.
  • SQS vs MSK: SQS and MSK are both messaging services, but they have different use cases. SQS is designed for processing messages asynchronously in a distributed environment, whereas MSK is designed for processing streaming data using Apache Kafka.
  • Kinesis vs MSK: Kinesis and MSK are both messaging services, but they have different use cases. Kinesis is designed for processing streaming data in real-time, whereas MSK is designed for processing streaming data using Apache Kafka.