What is Delta Lake ? What is its advantage

Nixon Data What is Delta Lake ? What is its advantage

Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that sits on top of existing data lake or data warehouse storage. It is designed to provide ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transactions and data lake data governance for data stored in a data lake or data warehouse.

Delta Lake is based on the idea of a “delta table,” which is a table that stores a version history of all the changes made to the table. This allows Delta Lake to provide features such as versioning, time travel, and data lake audit history, which can be useful for data governance and data management in a data lake environment.

Delta Lake is implemented using Apache Parquet, an open-source columnar data storage format that is optimized for storing and processing large datasets. It is compatible with a wide range of data processing tools, such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and others, and can be used to build scalable, reliable data pipelines for data ingestion, data processing, and data analytics.

Delta Lake is a useful tool for data lake data governance and management, and is increasingly being used in a variety of big data environments to manage data stored in a data lake or data warehouse.

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