What is an accumulator in Apache Spark, how to create accumulator, usecase and accumulator variable example

Nixon Data What is an accumulator in Apache Spark, how to create accumulator, usecase and accumulator variable example

What is an accumulator in Apache Spark, how to create accumulator, usecase and accumulator variable example

1. Accumulator in Apache Spark

An accumulator in Apache Spark is a variable that can be used to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way. Accumulators are typically used to implement counters and sums in Spark, but can be used for other purposes as well.

An accumulator is created by calling the SparkContext.accumulator() method, which takes an initial value as an argument. Once created, the accumulator can be used by any task in the Spark job to add to its value. The final value of the accumulator can be accessed by calling the value() method on the accumulator object.

Here’s an example of how to use an accumulator in a Spark job:

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext(“local”, “Accumulator Example”)
acc = sc.accumulator(0)
def increment_acc(x):
global acc
acc += x
rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4])

In this example, we create an accumulator with an initial value of 0, and then use it to sum up the values in an RDD by calling the foreach() method on the RDD. The final value of the accumulator can be accessed by calling the value() method on the accumulator object, which will print the sum of the values in the RDD.

It’s also worth noting that accumulator’s can be used in both driver program and in the executors. But the operation performed on accumulator variable should be associative and commutative, otherwise the result may not be correct.

In conclusion, accumulators are a powerful feature in Spark that allow you to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way. They can be used to implement counters and sums, but can also be used for other purposes as well.

2. How is the final value of an accumulator determined in a Spark job?

In a Spark job, the final value of an accumulator is determined by aggregating the values that are added to it across all the tasks in the job. Each task can add to the accumulator’s value by calling the += operator on the accumulator object, and the final value is determined by summing up all the values that were added to the accumulator by each task. The final value can be accessed by calling the value() method on the accumulator object, which will return the accumulated value of all the task’s operation.

It’s also worth noting that Spark ensure that the task’s operation on accumulator is executed in a fault-tolerant way, so if any task fails the operation, Spark will re-execute the operation on other available task.

In summary, The final value of an accumulator in a Spark job is determined by aggregating the values added to it across all the tasks in the job and Spark ensures fault-tolerance while aggregating the value by re-executing the failed task operation on another available task.

3. Example of how to use an accumulator in a Spark job

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext(“local”, “Accumulator Example”)
acc = sc.accumulator(0)
def increment_acc(x):
global acc
acc += x
rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4])

In this example, we first create a SparkContext object and an accumulator with an initial value of 0. Next, we define a function “increment_acc” that takes an input x and increases the value of the accumulator by x.

Then, we create an RDD with some values, and call the foreach() method on the RDD, which applies the “increment_acc” function to each element of the RDD in parallel across multiple tasks. The foreach() method applies the function to all elements of the RDD and the function increments the value of the accumulator for each element.

Finally, we print the final value of the accumulator by calling the value() method on the accumulator object, which will print the sum of the values in the RDD.

In this example, we use foreach method on RDD, but you can use accumulator in other operations as well such as map, reduce, and fold.

It’s also worth noting that the accumulator’s value is accessible only in the driver program, this means you can’t access the value of accumulator inside the executor.

4. How is an accumulator’s value initialized and how can it be accessed?

An accumulator’s value is initialized by passing an initial value to the SparkContext.accumulator() method when creating the accumulator.

For example:

sc = SparkContext(“local”, “Accumulator Example”)
acc = sc.accumulator(0)

In this example, the accumulator “acc” is initialized with a value of 0.

The value of an accumulator can be accessed by calling the value() method on the accumulator object. For example:


This will return the current value of the accumulator.

It’s also worth noting that the accumulator’s value can only be accessed from the driver program and not from within the executor.

Additionally, you can also reset the accumulator value to the initial value, by calling the reset method on the accumulator object.


This will reset the accumulator value to the value it was initialized with.

In summary, an accumulator’s value is initialized by passing an initial value to the SparkContext.accumulator() method when creating the accumulator, and the value can be accessed by calling the value() method on the accumulator object. The value of accumulator can only be accessed from the driver program and can be reset to the initial value by calling the reset method on the accumulator object.

5. Can you explain the restrictions on the operations that can be performed on an accumulator in Spark?

There are a few restrictions on the operations that can be performed on an accumulator in Spark:

  1. The operation performed on an accumulator must be an associative and commutative operation. This means that the order in which the operation is performed does not affect the final result. For example, adding two numbers is an associative and commutative operation, because (1 + 2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3).
  2. Accumulators are used in distributed computing, and the operation performed on accumulator variable should be idempotent, so that it could handle the case of multiple execution of the same operation on accumulator variable.
  3. Accumulator’s value can only be accessed from the driver program, it can’t be accessed inside the executor.
  4. Accumulator variable can’t be used with the RDD’s transformation that return a new RDD, like map, filter, etc. Because the accumulator variable is only available in the driver program and can’t be passed to the executor.
  5. Accumulator variable can’t be used with the RDD’s transformation that return a new RDD, like map, filter, etc. Because the accumulator variable is only available in the driver program and can’t be passed to the executor.

In summary, the operation performed on an accumulator in Spark should be an associative and commutative operation and should be idempotent, Accumulator’s value can only be accessed from the driver program, it can’t be accessed inside the executor. Accumulator variable can’t be used with the RDD’s transformation that return a new RDD, like map, filter, etc.

6. How does Spark ensure the fault-tolerance of accumulators?

Apache Spark ensures the fault-tolerance of accumulators by maintaining a copy of the accumulator’s value on the driver program and on the executor for each task.

When a task updates the value of an accumulator, the updated value is sent back to the driver program, where it is combined with the current value of the accumulator. This process is repeated for each task that updates the accumulator’s value. In this way, even if one task fails or is lost, the final value of the accumulator will still be correct, because the values from the other tasks will still be combined together.

Additionally, Spark also maintains a lineage of the task’s operation on accumulator, so that if a task fails and its operation on accumulator is lost, Spark can re-compute the operation on accumulator using the lineage information. This ensures that the final value of the accumulator is always correct, even in the presence of failures.

In summary, Spark ensures the fault-tolerance of accumulators by maintaining a copy of the accumulator’s value on the driver program and on the executor for each task, so that even if one task fails or is lost, the final value of the accumulator will still be correct by combining the values from the other tasks. Additionally, Spark also maintains a lineage of the task’s operation on accumulator so that if a task fails and its operation on accumulator is lost, Spark can re-compute the operation on accumulator using the lineage information.

7. difference between an accumulator and a shared variable in Spark

An accumulator and a shared variable in Spark are both used for sharing data across tasks, but they have some key differences:

  1. An accumulator is a variable that can be used to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way. It can only be updated by calling the += operator on the accumulator object and the final value of the accumulator can be accessed by calling the value() method on the accumulator object.
  2. A shared variable, on the other hand, is a variable that can be used to share data across tasks, but it can be updated and accessed by tasks in a more flexible way. There are two types of shared variables in Spark: broadcast variables and accumulator variables.
  • Broadcast variables are read-only shared variables that are cached on each executor, so that tasks can access them without the need to send data over the network. They are used to cache a value on each executor so that it can be reused across multiple tasks, without the need to send the value over the network multiple times.
  • Accumulator variables, as we discussed earlier, are variables that can be used to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way.
  1. Accumulator can only be updated by the tasks, and its value is only accessible by the driver program. While, the shared variables can be updated both by the driver program and tasks, and its value can be accessed by both the driver program and tasks.

In summary, An accumulator is a special kind of shared variable that is used to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way, while a shared variable is more general and can be updated and accessed by tasks in a more flexible way. Broadcast variables are read-only shared variables that are cached on each executor and Accumulator variables are variables that can be used to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way.

8. Example of a use case where an accumulator would be useful in a Spark job

Let’s say you have a large dataset of log files and you want to count the number of times a specific error message appears in the logs. You can use an accumulator to count the number of occurrences of the error message.

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext(“local”, “Accumulator Example”)
error_acc = sc.accumulator(0)
def count_error(line):
global error_acc
if “error” in line:
error_acc += 1
log_rdd = sc.textFile(“logs/*.log”)

In this example, we first create a SparkContext object and an accumulator with an initial value of 0. Next, we define a function “count_error” that takes an input line and checks if the word “error” is in the line and if it is, it increases the value of the accumulator by 1.

Then, we create an RDD with log files and call the foreach() method on the RDD, which applies the “count_error” function to each line of the log files in parallel across multiple tasks. The foreach() method applies the function to all lines of the log files and the function increments the value of the accumulator for each line that contains the word “error”.

Finally, we print the final value of the accumulator by calling the value() method on the accumulator object, which will print the total number of times the word “error” appears in the log files.

As you can see in this example, an accumulator is useful when you need to keep track of a value that is being updated across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way.

This example uses foreach method, but you could use other operations that perform actions on RDD elements such as map, reduce, fold, etc.

In summary, an accumulator is useful in situations where you need to keep track of a value that is being updated across multiple tasks in a parallel and fault-tolerant way, for example counting the number of occurrences of a specific error message in log files.