What is SparkSession in Apace Spark – Full tutorial

Nixon Data What is SparkSession in Apace Spark – Full tutorial
What is SparkSession in Apache Spark and How to Use it

What is SparkSession in Apace Spark – Full tutorial

SparkSession is a unified entry point to programming with Apache Spark, introduced in Spark 2.0, that allows developers to interact with Spark through a single object. It provides a convenient and easy-to-use interface to create Spark RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) and DataFrames, run SQL queries, and perform various other Spark operations. SparkSession also provides the context for accessing Spark’s features, such as Spark Streaming, MLlib, and GraphX.

In short, SparkSession is the entry point for Spark programming, and it helps to unify the APIs and functionality provided by different Spark components in a single, easy-to-use interface.


Apache Spark has become one of the most popular distributed computing frameworks in recent years due to its ability to handle large-scale data processing. It provides a variety of features and tools to work with structured and unstructured data, including Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), DataFrames, SQL, and machine learning libraries. However, one of the challenges of using Spark is dealing with multiple contexts and APIs, which can be overwhelming for beginners. To address this issue, Spark 2.0 introduced a unified entry point called SparkSession. In this article, we will explore what SparkSession is, its features, and how to use it effectively.

What is SparkSession?

SparkSession is a core component of Apache Spark that provides a unified interface for users to work with Spark features, such as RDDs, DataFrames, SQL, and machine learning. It is the entry point for all Spark functionality and provides a single object that encapsulates all Spark operations. SparkSession enables users to interact with Spark through a single API, which makes it easier to use and more consistent across different Spark components. SparkSession is designed to be a replacement for the previously used SparkContext, SQLContext, and HiveContext, which were separate contexts for Spark, SQL, and Hive respectively.

How to Create SparkSession

Creating a SparkSession in Apache Spark is a straightforward process. It can be created by calling the SparkSession.builder() method and setting the appropriate configurations. Here’s an example of how to create a SparkSession in Python:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("mySparkApp") \
    .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \

In this example, we set the application name to “mySparkApp” and configure a Spark option called “spark.some.config.option” with the value “some-value”. The getOrCreate() method creates a new SparkSession if it does not exist, or returns an existing one if it does.

SparkSession Features

SparkSession provides a variety of features to work with Spark data and operations. Here are some of the key features of SparkSession:

  1. RDDs and DataFrames: SparkSession supports both RDDs and DataFrames, which are two primary abstractions for working with data in Spark. RDDs are a low-level API for distributed data processing, while DataFrames provide a higher-level API that supports structured and semi-structured data.
  2. SQL: SparkSession provides a built-in SQL engine that allows users to execute SQL queries on Spark data. It supports standard SQL syntax and provides a rich set of SQL functions and operators.
  3. Streaming: SparkSession supports Spark Streaming, which is a processing engine for real-time data streaming. It provides a high-level API for processing live data streams and supports integration with various data sources.
  4. Machine Learning: SparkSession provides a machine learning library called MLlib, which supports a variety of algorithms and models for data analysis and prediction. MLlib provides a high-level API for feature extraction, data preparation, model training, and evaluation.
  5. Graph Processing: SparkSession provides a graph processing library called GraphX, which allows users to analyze and process large-scale graphs. GraphX provides a high-level API for creating, manipulating, and analyzing graphs and supports various graph algorithms.

Using SparkSession:

Using SparkSession is straightforward, and most of the functionality can be accessed through the methods provided by the SparkSession object. Here are some examples of how to use SparkSession:

1. Creating RDDs and DataFrames:

To create RDDs and DataFrames in SparkSession, we can use the methods provided by the SparkSession object. For example, to create an RDD in Python, we can use the SparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize() method, and to create a DataFrame, we can use the SparkSession.createDataFrame() method. Here’s an example of how to create an RDD and a DataFrame in SparkSession:

# Creating RDD
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Creating DataFrame
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Charlie", 35)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["Name", "Age"])

In this example, we created an RDD with the values [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and a DataFrame with three rows and two columns.

2. Executing SQL queries:

To execute SQL queries in SparkSession, we can use the SparkSession.sql() method. This method allows us to execute SQL queries on DataFrames and temporary views. Here’s an example of how to execute an SQL query in SparkSession:

# Creating a temporary view from DataFrame

# Executing an SQL query on the temporary view
result = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM people WHERE Age >= 30")

In this example, we created a temporary view from the DataFrame “df” and executed an SQL query to select rows where the “Age” column is greater than or equal to 30.

3. Using Machine Learning models:

To use Machine Learning models in SparkSession, we can use the MLlib library provided by Spark. This library provides a variety of algorithms and models for data analysis and prediction. Here’s an example of how to use the MLlib library to train a Linear Regression model:

from pyspark.ml.regression import LinearRegression
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler

# Creating a DataFrame for model training
data = [(2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 2.0), (4.0, 3.0), (5.0, 4.0)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["label", "features"])

# Creating a VectorAssembler for feature engineering
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["features"], outputCol="features_vec")
df = assembler.transform(df)

# Creating a Linear Regression model and training it
lr = LinearRegression(featuresCol="features_vec", labelCol="label")
model = lr.fit(df)

In this example, we created a DataFrame for model training, performed feature engineering using a VectorAssembler, created a Linear Regression model, and trained it using the DataFrame.

SparkSession provides a unified interface for users to work with Spark features, such as RDDs, DataFrames, SQL, and machine learning, and it makes it easier to use and more consistent across different Spark components. SparkSession is designed to be a replacement for the previously used SparkContext, SQLContext, and HiveContext, which were separate contexts for Spark, SQL, and Hive respectively. By using SparkSession effectively, developers can work more efficiently with Spark and perform large-scale data processing tasks with ease.