What is the difference between Avro and Parquet file format

Nixon Data What is the difference between Avro and Parquet file format

Apache Avro and Apache Parquet are both open-source file formats that are designed for storing and processing large datasets in a distributed environment. However, there are some key differences between the two formats:

File formatBinaryColumnar
Schema evolutionStrongly supportedPartially supported
CompressionSupports various compression codecs (e.g. Snappy, Deflate)Supports various compression codecs (e.g. Snappy, Gzip, LZO)
SerializationFast serialization and deserializationFast deserialization, slower serialization
SizeLarger file size compared to ParquetSmaller file size compared to Avro
PerformanceSlower read and write performance compared to ParquetFaster read and write performance compared to Avro
Use casesIdeal for serializing data in a fast, compact, and language-agnostic wayIdeal for large-scale data processing and analytics, especially with columnar storage and optimized encoding
  1. Data storage: Avro is a data serialization system that is designed for efficient, language-independent data interchange. It stores data in a binary format that includes both the data itself and a schema that describes the data. Parquet, on the other hand, is a columnar data storage format that is optimized for storing and processing large datasets. It stores data in a columnar format, which can be more efficient in terms of space and time compared to row-based storage formats.
  2. Use cases: Avro is often used in big data environments to store large datasets, as it is efficient and easy to use. It is also often used as the data serialization format for message-based systems, such as Apache Kafka. Parquet, on the other hand, is primarily used for storing and processing large datasets, and is often used in conjunction with tools like Apache Spark and Apache Impala for big data analysis.
  3. Performance: Both Avro and Parquet are optimized for storing and processing large datasets, and they can both offer good performance in terms of space and time efficiency. However, Parquet may offer slightly better performance due to its columnar storage format, which can be more efficient for certain types of queries.

Overall, Avro and Parquet are both useful file formats for storing and processing large datasets, and the specific format that is best suited for a given application will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the organization.

Avro File Format

Apache Avro is a data serialization system that provides a compact and fast way to encode data in a binary format. Avro was designed with a focus on data structure to be language-agnostic and easily accessible by a wide range of programming languages. It uses a compact binary format for the data and a separate file for the schema, which defines the structure of the data.

With Avro, you can define the structure of your data using a JSON-based schema definition language. The schema is stored along with the data, so data can be read and written in any language that supports Avro. This makes it easy to exchange data between different systems and platforms, even if they use different programming languages.

Avro also provides robust support for schema evolution, allowing you to add, modify, or remove fields in the schema without breaking compatibility with existing data. This makes it easier to maintain and evolve your data over time, as you can add or remove fields as needed without having to completely rewrite your data.

Overall, Avro is a flexible and efficient data serialization system that is well suited for a variety of use cases, including large-scale data processing, data storage and exchange, and data analysis.

List of characters not supported by Avro file format

Avro supports a wide range of characters in its file format, including Unicode characters. However, there are some characters that are not supported or that have specific limitations in Avro:

  1. Null characters (U+0000): The null character is not supported in Avro, as it is used as a terminator in some systems and can cause unexpected behavior.
  2. Control characters (U+0000 – U+001F): Avro supports some control characters, but others, such as the tab character (U+0009), are not supported.
  3. Surrogate pairs (U+D800 – U+DFFF): Surrogate pairs are not supported in Avro, as they are used to encode characters outside the basic multilingual plane (BMP) in Unicode.
  4. Line feeds (U+000A) and carriage returns (U+000D): Avro supports line feeds and carriage returns, but their usage in Avro schemas and data may be subject to specific constraints, such as encoding requirements or data-specific limitations.

It’s worth noting that these limitations may change with new versions of Avro or with different implementations, so it’s always a good idea to consult the relevant documentation for the specific Avro version and implementation you are using.

Parquet File Format

Parquet is a columnar storage format for big data processing that is optimized for efficient storage and retrieval of large amounts of data. It was designed to work well with the Hadoop ecosystem and provides a highly efficient and flexible way to store and process large-scale data.

In a columnar storage format, data is organized into columns rather than rows, which allows for more efficient compression and faster query processing. With Parquet, you can specify the structure of your data using a schema, which is stored along with the data. This schema is used to encode and decode the data, ensuring that it is stored and retrieved correctly.

Parquet supports a wide range of data types and provides efficient encoding and compression for these data types, including support for various compression codecs such as Snappy, Gzip, and LZO. It also provides support for schema evolution, allowing you to add or remove columns from your data as needed, although it is not as robust as Avro’s support for schema evolution.

Parquet is widely used in big data processing and analytics, and it is supported by many popular big data processing tools, such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Apache Impala. It is a highly efficient and flexible format for storing and processing large-scale data, making it a good choice for many big data use cases.

List of characters not supported by Parquet file format


Parquet supports a wide range of characters, including Unicode characters. However, like many other data formats, there may be some characters that are not supported or have specific limitations in Parquet. The exact list of unsupported characters may depend on the specific implementation and version of Parquet, but some common examples include:

  1. Null characters (U+0000): Null characters are not supported in Parquet, as they are used as a terminator in some systems and can cause unexpected behavior.
  2. Control characters (U+0000 – U+001F): Some control characters, such as tab characters (U+0009), may not be supported in Parquet.
  3. Surrogate pairs (U+D800 – U+DFFF): Surrogate pairs are not supported in Parquet, as they are used to encode characters outside the basic multilingual plane (BMP) in Unicode.
  4. Line feeds (U+000A) and carriage returns (U+000D): Line feeds and carriage returns are typically supported in Parquet, but their usage in Parquet schemas and data may be subject to specific constraints, such as encoding requirements or data-specific limitations.