What are the Big Data File formats used

Nixon Data What are the Big Data File formats used

Big data file formats are file formats that are designed to handle very large datasets, typically in the range of terabytes or petabytes. These file formats are optimized for storing and processing large amounts of data and are often used in big data environments.

Here are a few examples of big data file formats:

  1. Apache Parquet: Parquet is a columnar data storage format that is optimized for storing and processing large datasets. It is designed to be efficient in terms of both space and time, and is widely used in big data environments.
  2. Apache Avro: Avro is a data serialization system that is designed for efficient, language-independent data interchange. It is often used in big data environments to store large datasets, as it is efficient and easy to use.
  3. Apache ORC: ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) is a data storage format that is designed for storing and processing large datasets. It is optimized for columnar data storage and is efficient in terms of both space and time.
  4. Apache SequenceFile: SequenceFile is a data serialization format that is designed for storing large datasets in a binary file format. It is often used in big data environments to store large datasets that need to be processed by Hadoop MapReduce.

There are many other big data file formats available, and the specific file format that is best suited for a given application will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the organization.