What the list of Important YARN Commands

Nixon Data What the list of Important YARN Commands

Apache Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a cluster resource management system that is responsible for scheduling and allocating resources for running applications on a Hadoop cluster. Here are some important YARN commands that you may find useful:

  1. yarn application -list: This command lists all the applications that are currently running or have completed on the YARN cluster.
  2. yarn application -status <application ID>: This command displays the status of a specific application, including the application ID, name, queue, user, and state.
  3. yarn node -list: This command lists all the nodes (machines) that are currently registered with the YARN cluster.
  4. yarn node -status <node ID>: This command displays the status of a specific node, including the node ID, hostname, number of containers, and available memory and CPU.
  5. yarn application -kill <application ID>: This command kills a running application.
  6. yarn rmadmin -refreshQueues: This command refreshes the queues in the YARN scheduler, which can be useful if you have changed the configuration of the queues and want the changes to take effect immediately.

These are just a few examples of YARN commands. There are many other commands available for managing and monitoring applications and resources on a YARN cluster.