Apache Spark Interview Question

Nixon Data Apache Spark Interview Question

Here are some common interview questions that may be asked when interviewing for a role related to Apache Spark:

  1. What is Apache Spark and how does it differ from Hadoop?
  2. What are the key components of the Spark ecosystem (e.g. Spark Core, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming)?
  3. How does Spark achieve fault tolerance and what is the role of the driver and executors in this process?
  4. How does Spark compare to other big data processing frameworks (e.g. MapReduce, Flink, Hive)?
  5. How can you optimize the performance of a Spark application?
  6. How do you handle data processing pipeline failures in Spark?
  7. How do you deploy and run a Spark application in a production environment?
  8. How do you integrate Spark with other systems, such as Hadoop, Kafka, or Cassandra?
  9. How do you use Spark for machine learning and data analysis tasks?
  10. How do you handle data quality and data cleansing tasks in Spark?