How to Select the First Row of Each Group in Apache Spark

Nixon Data How to Select the First Row of Each Group in Apache Spark
One common task in data processing is to select the first row of each group of rows that share common values in one or more columns. This is called "group by" or "aggregation."

How to Select the First Row of Each Group in Apache Spark

Apache Spark provides a powerful and flexible platform for data processing and analysis. One common task in data processing is to select the first row of each group of rows that share common values in one or more columns. This is called “group by” or “aggregation.”

In this article, we’ll show you how to perform this task in both Python and Scala using Spark.


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("FirstRowOfEachGroup").getOrCreate()

# Load a data set
data ="data.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)

# Group the data by a column
grouped_data = data.groupBy("column_name")

# Select the first row of each group
first_row_of_each_group = grouped_data.agg({"*": "first"}).alias("first_row")

# Show the result

# Stop the Spark session


import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

// Create a Spark session
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("FirstRowOfEachGroup").getOrCreate()

// Load a data set
val data ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv("data.csv")

// Group the data by a column
val groupedData = data.groupBy("column_name")

// Select the first row of each group
val firstRowOfEachGroup = groupedData.agg(first("*")).alias("first_row")

// Show the result

// Stop the Spark session

In both cases, the code:

  • Creates a Spark session
  • Loads a data set from a CSV file
  • Groups the data by a column
  • Selects the first row of each group using the first function
  • Shows the result
  • Stops the Spark session

This code provides a simple and efficient way to select the first row of each group in Apache Spark. Whether you’re working with Python or Scala, the process is straightforward and easy to understand.