Python Script to Fetch Youtube Subscriber Count

Nixon Data Python Script to Fetch Youtube Subscriber Count

Python Script to Fetch Youtube Subscriber Count

To fetch the number of followers for a YouTube channel, you’ll need to use the YouTube Data API v3. Here is a code example in Python to get you started:

import requests
import json

# Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your own API key from the Google Developers Console
api_key = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

# Replace <YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID> with the ID of the YouTube channel you want to fetch followers for
channel_id = "<YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID>"

# Make a GET request to the YouTube API to retrieve the channel details
url = f"{channel_id}&key={api_key}"
response = requests.get(url)

# Check if the API call was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
    # Load the API response as a JSON object
    data = json.loads(response.text)

    # Check if the API response contains the required information
    if "items" in data and len(data["items"]) > 0:
        # Extract the number of subscribers from the API response
        subscribers = data["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]

        # Print the number of subscribers
        print(f"The number of subscribers for this channel is: {subscribers}")
        print("No channel information was returned by the API")
    print("An error occurred while fetching the channel information")

Note: You will need to have the requests and json modules installed. You can install them by running pip install requests json in your terminal/command prompt.