Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter: A Guide

Nixon Data Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter: A Guide
Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter

Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter: A Guide

Apache Kafka is a popular open-source event streaming platform that provides scalable, high-throughput, and fault-tolerant data processing capabilities. One of the challenges in deploying Apache Kafka in large-scale, real-world applications is ensuring that data is properly synchronized between multiple Kafka clusters or between a Kafka cluster and another data store.

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter is a tool that helps address this challenge by providing a high-performance, scalable, and fault-tolerant data replication solution between Apache Kafka clusters and other data stores. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter and explore how it works, its key features, and how it can be configured to meet the specific needs of your application.

What is the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter?

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter is a data replication solution that enables real-time, bidirectional data replication between Apache Kafka clusters and other data stores. This adapter is built on top of Oracle GoldenGate, which is a powerful data replication technology that provides high-performance, scalable, and fault-tolerant data replication capabilities.

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter provides several key features, including:

  • Real-time data replication: The adapter supports real-time data replication, ensuring that changes made to data in one location are immediately reflected in another location.
  • Bidirectional data replication: The adapter supports bidirectional data replication, enabling data to be replicated in both directions between the source and target systems.
  • High-performance data replication: The adapter is designed to handle large volumes of data and to provide high-performance data replication, even in large-scale, mission-critical applications.
  • Scalable data replication: The adapter supports scalable data replication, allowing data replication to be easily scaled as the size of the data store grows.
  • Fault-tolerant data replication: The adapter provides fault-tolerant data replication, ensuring that data is not lost in the event of failures or crashes.

How Does the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter Work?

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter works by using a combination of database triggers and change data capture (CDC) to monitor changes made to data in a source system and replicate those changes to a target system in real-time. When a change is made to the data in the source system, the adapter captures the change and replicates it to the target system. The target system can be another Apache Kafka cluster or another data store, such as a relational database.

Key Features of the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter provides several key features, including:

  • Support for multiple data stores: The adapter supports multiple data stores, including Apache Cassandra, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and others.
  • Real-time data replication: The adapter supports real-time data replication, ensuring that changes made to data in one location are immediately reflected in another location.
  • Bidirectional data replication: The adapter supports bidirectional data replication, enabling data to be replicated in both directions between the source and target systems.
  • High-performance data replication: The adapter is designed to handle large volumes of data and to provide high-performance data replication, even in large-scale, mission-critical applications.
  • Scalable data replication: The adapter supports scalable data replication, allowing data replication to be easily scaled as the size of the data store grows.
  • Fault-tolerant data replication: The adapter provides fault-tolerant data replication, ensuring that data is not lost in the event of failures

Configuring the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter can be easily configured to meet the specific needs of your application. To configure the adapter, you will need to specify the source and target systems, as well as any other relevant configuration settings, such as the replication frequency, data filtering rules, and so on.

Here are some of the configuration options that you can specify when setting up the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter:

  • Source system: This is the data store or Apache Kafka cluster that you want to replicate data from. You will need to specify the connection information for the source system, including the hostname, port, username, and password.
  • Target system: This is the data store or Apache Kafka cluster that you want to replicate data to. You will need to specify the connection information for the target system, including the hostname, port, username, and password.
  • Replication frequency: This is the frequency at which the adapter will check for changes in the source system and replicate those changes to the target system. The replication frequency can be specified in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
  • Data filtering rules: These are rules that determine which data will be replicated from the source system to the target system. You can specify filters based on specific columns, tables, or other data elements.
  • Error handling: This is the configuration that determines how the adapter will handle errors that occur during data replication. You can specify how errors will be logged, what actions will be taken in the event of an error, and so on.

Benefits of Using the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter

There are several benefits to using the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter, including:

  • Real-time data replication: The adapter supports real-time data replication, ensuring that changes made to data in one location are immediately reflected in another location. This is particularly useful in applications where real-time data access is critical.
  • High-performance data replication: The adapter is designed to handle large volumes of data and to provide high-performance data replication, even in large-scale, mission-critical applications. This makes it a good choice for applications that need to replicate large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.
  • Scalable data replication: The adapter supports scalable data replication, allowing data replication to be easily scaled as the size of the data store grows. This makes it a good choice for applications that are expected to grow over time.
  • Fault-tolerant data replication: The adapter provides fault-tolerant data replication, ensuring that data is not lost in the event of failures or crashes. This is important in applications where data reliability and consistency are critical.

Introduction to Running the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter Locally

The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter is a powerful tool for replicating data between Apache Kafka clusters and other data stores. If you’re looking to run the adapter locally for testing or development purposes, this article will guide you through the process of setting up and running the adapter on your local machine.


Before you can run the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter locally, there are a few prerequisites that you will need to meet:

  • Apache Kafka: You will need to have a local installation of Apache Kafka. If you don’t already have Apache Kafka installed, you can download it from the Apache Kafka website.
  • Java: The Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter is written in Java, so you will need to have Java installed on your machine. You can download Java from the Oracle website.
  • Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter: You will need to download the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter from the official Apache Kafka website.

Setting up the Apache Kafka Cluster

Once you have met the prerequisites, the first step in running the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter locally is to set up your Apache Kafka cluster. You will need to create a new Apache Kafka topic to serve as the target topic for your data replication.

To create a new Apache Kafka topic, you will need to use the Apache Kafka command-line tool, kafka-topics.sh. Here is an example command to create a new topic called “test-topic”:

./kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test-topic

Once you have created your Apache Kafka topic, you can start a producer to produce data to the topic. Here is an example command to start a producer and produce some data to the “test-topic” topic:

./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test-topic

Configuring the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter

With your Apache Kafka cluster set up and running, the next step is to configure the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter. You will need to specify the source and target systems, as well as any other relevant configuration settings, such as the replication frequency, data filtering rules, and so on.

Here is an example configuration file for the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter:


# Kafka source configuration

# Local target configuration

This configuration file sets up the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter to replicate data from the “test-topic” topic in your Apache Kafka cluster to a local directory at /tmp/kafka-goldengate.

Running the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter

With your Apache Kafka cluster set up and your adapter configuration file in place, you’re ready to start the Apache Kafka GoldenGate Adapter. Here is an example command to start the adapter:

./kafka-goldengate-adapter start -c /path/to/config.properties

This command will start the adapter and begin replicating data from your Apache Kafka cluster to your local directory. You can check the status of the adapter at any time by running the following