How is data stored in Apache kafka ?

Nixon Data How is data stored in Apache kafka ?

Understanding Data Storage in Apache Kafka

Understanding Data Storage in Apache Kafka


Apache Kafka is a popular, open-source distributed streaming platform that is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. One of the key features of Kafka is its ability to store and process large amounts of data in a fault-tolerant and scalable manner. But how exactly is data stored in Apache Kafka? This article will explore the data storage model of Apache Kafka and provide a comprehensive understanding of how it works.

Data Storage in Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka uses a publish-subscribe model for data storage and distribution. In this model, producers publish data to topics, and consumers subscribe to topics to receive the data. Topics in Kafka are partitioned, which means that the data for a given topic is divided into multiple smaller chunks, called partitions, which are stored across multiple brokers in a Kafka cluster. This allows for horizontal scalability and high-availability, as data can be distributed across multiple brokers and consumed by multiple consumers.

Each partition in Kafka is an ordered, immutable sequence of records. The records in a partition are stored on disk in a compacted, log-structured format, which allows for fast and efficient append-only writes and efficient replication between brokers. The log-structured format also provides durability, as the data is stored on disk, which means that it can survive broker failures and be recovered.

Kafka also provides configurable retention policies, which allow administrators to control the amount of data that is stored in a topic. For example, administrators can set a retention policy of one day, which means that all data older than one day will be automatically deleted from the topic. This helps to reduce the storage requirements of a Kafka cluster and ensure that the cluster is not overloaded with old, irrelevant data.

Compression in Apache Kafka

Kafka also provides configurable compression for data storage, which can help to reduce the amount of disk space required for data storage and increase the speed of data transfer between brokers. Compression can be applied on a per-topic basis, and administrators can choose from several compression algorithms, including GZIP, Snappy, and LZ4.

Apache Kafka uses a publish-subscribe model for data storage and distribution, with data being stored in partitions that are distributed across multiple brokers in a Kafka cluster. The data in Kafka is stored in a log-structured format, which provides durability, efficient append-only writes, and efficient replication between brokers. Kafka also provides configurable retention policies and compression to help manage the amount of data stored in the cluster and ensure efficient data transfer. Understanding the data storage model in Apache Kafka is an essential aspect of building and deploying successful real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.


In Apache Kafka, data is published to topics and stored in partitions. Each partition is an ordered, immutable sequence of records that is continually appended to.

When a producer publishes data to a Kafka topic, it is appended to the end of the partition. The partition is then assigned an offset, which is a unique identifier for each record within the partition. The offset is a sequential number that is assigned to each record in the order that it is received by the partition.

The partition and offset together form a logical location for each record within a Kafka topic. The partition is used to distribute the data across the Kafka cluster, while the offset is used to identify a specific record within the partition.

By using partitions and offsets, Kafka is able to scale horizontally and provide high performance and durability for data streams. Consumers can read data from a Kafka topic by specifying the topic, partition, and offset that they want to start reading from. This allows them to read data from the point where they left off, or to rewind and read data from an earlier point in the stream.