What is Apache Kafka and what are its common use cases?

Nixon Data What is Apache Kafka and what are its common use cases?

What is Apache Kafka and what are its common use cases?

What is Apache Kafka and what are its common use cases?

Apache Kafka is a distributed, scalable, high-throughput messaging system. It is designed to handle high volumes of data and enable real-time data processing. Kafka is commonly used for building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably move data between systems and applications.

Apache Kafka is an open-source, distributed, streaming platform for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. It was originally developed at LinkedIn and later became an Apache project. Today, Apache Kafka is widely used for various use cases, including event sourcing, website activity tracking, log aggregation, real-time analytics, and more.

Kafka works by allowing producers to send messages to topics and allowing consumers to read messages from topics. A topic is a named channel to which messages are published. Consumers can subscribe to one or more topics and receive all the messages published to those topics.

Apache Kafka is a high-performance, distributed, publish-subscribe messaging system that enables you to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. It is designed to handle high volume, high velocity, and high variety data and provide real-time data streaming.

Apache Kafka operates as a publish-subscribe messaging system, where producers produce messages and consumers consume messages. Producers publish messages to topics, and consumers subscribe to topics to receive messages. The messages are stored in a distributed manner, providing high scalability and reliability.

Apache Kafka also supports parallel processing of messages, enabling you to process large amounts of data in real-time. The messages are stored for a configurable amount of time, providing a time-based history of the data that can be used for various purposes.

Kafka stores all published messages for a configurable amount of time, allowing consumers to read messages at their own pace. This makes Kafka suitable for use cases such as event sourcing, log aggregation, and data synchronization.


Apache Kafka has several key components that work together to provide a scalable and reliable messaging platform:

  1. Topics: A topic is a named stream of records, to which messages can be published. Topics are used to categorize and organize the messages in Apache Kafka.
  2. Partitions: Partitions are used to divide a topic into multiple streams of records, each of which is called a partition. Partitions allow for parallel processing of messages, enabling you to process large amounts of data in real-time.
  3. Producers: Producers are responsible for producing and publishing messages to topics in Apache Kafka. They are the source of data in Apache Kafka.
  4. Consumers: Consumers are responsible for consuming messages from topics in Apache Kafka. They can be part of a consumer group, which is a set of consumers that can share the workload of consuming messages from a topic.
  5. Brokers: Brokers are the servers that store and manage the messages in Apache Kafka. They receive messages from producers, store the messages, and send the messages to consumers.
  6. Zookeeper: Zookeeper is used to manage the Apache Kafka cluster and maintain configuration information, such as the location of partitions and replicas.
  7. Replication: Replication is used to ensure high availability and durability of data in Apache Kafka. Replicas are exact copies of a partition, stored on different brokers, to ensure that the data is available even if a broker fails.
  8. Offsets: Offsets are used to keep track of the current position in a partition for a consumer group. Offsets are maintained by the broker and are used to ensure that each consumer group processes messages in the correct order.

These components work together to provide a scalable and reliable messaging platform, enabling you to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. Whether you are just starting out with Apache Kafka or you are a seasoned pro, Apache Kafka provides the tools you need to get the most out of your data.

Kafka brokers

Kafka brokers are the servers that run the Kafka system. Producers send messages to the brokers, which store the messages until they are consumed by the consumers. Kafka clusters typically have multiple brokers to handle the load and to provide redundancy.


Zookeeper is a distributed coordination service that is used by Kafka to store metadata about the Kafka cluster and to coordinate the activities of the Kafka brokers. Zookeeper helps the brokers maintain a consistent view of the cluster and ensures that only one broker is the leader for a given topic partition. Zookeeper is required for Kafka to function properly.

Kafka Connect

Kafka Connect is a tool for streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems. It allows you to easily connect to data sources and data sinks using connectors, which are pre-built integrations with external systems. Kafka Connect makes it easy to move data in and out of Kafka using a simple API, and it can run either as a standalone process or as a distributed service.

Use Cases

Some common use cases for Kafka Connect include:

  • Importing data from databases or file systems into Kafka.
  • Exporting data from Kafka to databases or file systems.
  • Enriching data in Kafka with data from external sources.
  • Integrating Kafka with real-time data processing systems, such as Apache Flink or Apache Spark.
  1. Event Sourcing: Apache Kafka is often used to store events, such as user activity on a website or transactions in a system, providing a history of events that can be used for auditing and analysis.
  2. Log Aggregation: Apache Kafka can be used to collect log data from various sources and centralize it for analysis. This allows you to monitor and analyze logs in real-time and detect issues early.
  3. Real-time Analytics: Apache Kafka can be used to stream data in real-time to perform analytics, such as detecting fraud, analyzing customer behavior, and more.
  4. Website Activity Tracking: Apache Kafka can be used to track user activity on a website, providing real-time data that can be used for analysis and personalization.
  5. Messaging: Apache Kafka can be used as a messaging system for communication between microservices, providing a scalable and reliable messaging solution.
  6. IoT: Apache Kafka can be used to collect data from IoT devices, providing a scalable and reliable solution for collecting and processing IoT data.

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